Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Devo 45: Faith that will not Fail

“And without faith it is impossible to please God…” Heb. 11:6 (NIV)

This statement has been reverberating in my mind today—“Without faith, it is impossible to please God…” What does that mean?

This declaration was made in reference to Enoch walking with God. It was obvious to the writer of Hebrews that he had faith, because it pleased the Lord to take him to heaven and not let him taste death.

In Genesis 5: 24, the scripture states that Enoch walked with God, and then he was gone because the Lord took Him. The passage in Hebrews elaborates on Enoch’s walk with God saying that it simply pleased the Lord to take Him. The Lord loved being with Enoch so much that He whisked him up to heaven. That astounds me.

The second part of Hebrews 11:6 says, “Because anyone who comes to God must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him (NIV). I like the way the Message Bible paraphrases this statement, “Because anyone who wants to approach God must believe both that He exists and that He cares enough to respond to those who seek Him.”

This verse is actually opening up to me in a profound way for the first time. I looked it up in a variety of translations to make sure I understood correctly. The New American Standard says, “He who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.”

Approaching God takes an act of faith on our part. We have to first, believe that He exists and second, believe that He is a rewarder of those who consistently chase after Him.

If we have never seen God or experienced His presence in a profound way, then it is difficult for us to have the initial belief that He exists.

If we have prayed, read our Bible, sought after God, but have never really heard from Him or felt His love, then it is difficult for us to believe that He cares enough to respond to those who seek Him.

There was a time in my life where I did not experience God or feel His presence for about two years. It was two of the most difficult years of my life. I began to get completely desperate and started giving up all kinds of things to hear God.

When I finally reached my breaking point, I decided that I was going to fast until God spoke to me, because if God did not speak then He either did not exist or He did not love me. If either of those things were not true, then there was no point in being alive and I would just die of starvation.

I want to clarify that the entire preceding paragraph is based out of a completely wrong view of fasting and of God, but that was my perspective at that point in my life. I see now, however, that I had reached a “crisis of belief” where my faith almost completely failed. I was not certain that God existed and I was not convinced that He would ever speak (or reward those who seek Him).

I did not understand that faith must be exercised at a time when those realities are not seen (Heb 11:1). I did not understand that the kingdom of heaven is about asking, seeking, knocking, pursuing, running, persevering…

However, God in His mercy, rushed in at the time when I almost quit and rescued me. He delivered me because He delighted in me (Ps. 18:19). Jesus was standing before the throne of the Father, praying that my faith would not fail (Lk 22:32; Heb 7:24). And He does the same for you.

So, in those times when we cannot see that God is real, we have to step out in faith and believe that He exists. In those times, when we do not see the power of God at work in our lives, we have to step out in faith and believe that He rewards those who seek Him. And at all times, we have to seek Him.

Having a relationship with God is worth more than anything we have to offer; so why not give up everything and run the race?

This week, read Hebrews 11 & 12. Meditate on verses about seeking God such as Isaiah 55:6, Deut 4:29, II Chron 15:2, Mt. 7:7-8, Lk 11:9-10. Ask the Lord to build up your faith (Jude 20). Ask Him to pray that your faith will not fail. Ask Him to give you strengthen you to believe and trust Him.

Bless you!

Copyright © 2010, Amanda Rich, All Rights Reserved

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