Monday, December 13, 2010

The Alpha & Omega: Beginning & End

God is so glorious & faithful! It was amazing to read the entire Bible from "In the beginning" in Genesis 1 to "I am the Alpha & Omega" in Revelation--all in a matter of 4 days. I was forever marked by the fact that we read the Bible in 67 hours & 9 minutes. I know I will never be the same. My life has to change now.

It is amazing how the story of redemption runs through every single book of the Bible. God has always been faithful & the things He does are absolutely amazing. He never drops the ball. He never quits, and His story is the greatest in all the Ages!

Thank you Lord that you never leave us! Thank you that You are so faithful no matter what happens. It is possible to love You more everyday & what an adventure it is! Help us all to love you more & see you rightly, Lord. Oh how beautiful you are!

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