Friday, April 29, 2011

Heart Response to the King of Glory

Every revelation of God brings about a certain heart response from those who love Him. The revelation of the King of Glory is opened up to those who have clean hands & a pure heart, & have not lifted up their souls to idols (Ps. 24).

When Isaiah saw the King of Glory in His Holy temple, his first cry was that of repentance (Is. 6). He was completely aware of his sin and the sin of his people. He fell on His face & cried out in repentance. The Fear of the Lord fell on Him & he realized his sinfulness. Then, the Lord purified his lips with fire, & he was made clean.

After that, Isaiah's second cry was "Here I am, Send me!" It was in response to the invitation the Lord gave, "Whom shall I send & who shall go for us?" The King of Glory first release the Fear of the Lord, then an invitation into partnership.

The response of Isaiah was first repentance, then a cry to be sent. The revelation of the beauty & holiness of God provoked a response in Isaiah to go anywhere & do anything. He said yes & then the Lord gave Him a very difficult assignment.

He basically said for Isaiah to go tell a people that they were deaf, blind, & dumb, & to prophesy it until everything was destroyed. What an assigment. The only thing that could sustain Isaiah in that assignment was the revelation of the beauty of the King of Glory.

When we get a revelation of God's beauty, we will go anywhere & do anything. We must continue have a heart cry of "Show me Your Glory, Lord!" Only then will our hearts respond in repentance & a willingness to be sent.

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