Monday, November 22, 2010

Prodigal Returned Home at Azusa Street

Our California trip was divided into two parts. The first half, I led a team of 60 people to San Diego to minister at JHOP-SD and UCSD. The second half, we were in LA & participated in the Fight Conference & Student Call with Lou Engle. The first night of part II, 350 from IHOP, plus many from local churches gathered at historic Azusa street where the Lord poured out his Spirit in 1906 resulting in the Pentecostal movement. We cried out for another historic wave.

Before we began, some of the students in my group came asking for my help with a lady they were witnessing to that had wandered up to the gathering. She was speaking many things that weren't true & yet she was hungry for the Spirit. I demonstrated to the students how you can take authority over the lies by interrupting & interjecting with truth. I told the story of the prodigal son. She began to cry & rededicated her life back to Jesus. Then, she began speaking in tongues. I explained to here what Azusa street was & why we were there, and then walked her through repentance and what she needed to do next. I explained to the students that as believers, we have authority over lies. When lies are spoken, we can reign in the conversation and speak truth that cuts through the lies. It is better for the person and can completely change the atmosphere. The power of the Holy Spirit--Christ in us, the Hope of Glory (Col. 1:27).

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